The Mad Fiddler
Jason Addams
Jason Addams
The journey of Jason Addams, also known as "The Mad Fiddler," began in 1990 with a conversation with his mother, Roberta Jean Lerner, about learning to play an instrument. After considering various options, Jason chose the viola, setting the stage for a lifelong passion for music and the arts. He honed his skills through participation in several school orchestras and received guidance from esteemed teachers like Mrs. Mamie Dixon and Mrs. Glenna Theurer. His dedication earned him a place in the Eastern North Carolina All-Star Orchestra.
College reignited Jason's love for music, leading him to jam sessions and ultimately to a pivotal moment in 2003 when he met Boyd Tinsley, the violinist from Dave Matthews Band. Inspired, Jason transitioned from viola to violin and joined a band called Anonymous, where he developed his unique style and earned the nickname "The Mad Fiddler." His musical journey continued post-college, leading him to join the Big Drink Music Company and 4EverAll, while also focusing on solo projects and raising awareness for the arts in public schools.
Today, Jason's passion for music remains strong as he specializes in a one-man band, offering a unique way to entertain guests. Perfect for wedding ceremonies, cocktail hours, private events, bars, and special events, Jason Addams continues to captivate audiences with his talent and dedication to keeping the arts alive. Cheers to the next adventure in Jason Addams' musical journey!